Category: Announcements

Season 6 Wrap-Up + Season 7 Plans

We ended Season 6 last night with a special adventure by way of our first multi-class race, a race that featured two first-time winners (jmtitan10 in FE, isiboy23 in F1).

Championship Winners

HAL9100 and ThugHughes capped off dominant seasons in which they both wrapped up their respective Drivers’ Championships with multiple races remaining. While McLaren easily secured the FE Constructors’ Championship thanks to HAL9100‘s strong consistency on track and jmtitan10‘s consistent attendance, Ferrari needed a strong back half of the season, and ultimately a strong collective final race of the season, to eke out a championship over ThugHughes‘ Mercedes outfit. Congratulations to our champions!

FE Driver ChampionHAL9100Full Standings
FE Constructor ChampionMcLaren (HAL9100 + jmtitan10)Full Standings
F1 Driver ChampionThugHughesFull Standings
F1 Constructor ChampionFerrari (isiboy23 + guitarhero1234)Full Standings

Who Improved the Most in Season 6?

It occurred to me that I’d like to know who improved the most during the Season 6, and as a lover of Elo I decided to use F1CRL’s Elo ratings to see who had the largest positive swings during the season. I limited this to drivers who (a) had an existing Elo rating prior to Season 6, i.e. had raced in the league before and (b) improved more than 5 Elo points than during Season 6 (due to the way the model works, some small increases/decreases can occur without a driver racing as the model accounts for new entrants).

DriverStarting EloEnding EloImprovement

To those who have followed the results this season, ThugHughes improving more than any other driver in the league in terms of Elo likely isn’t surprising. While ThugHughes showed strong pace after joining the league in Season 5, his results really took off in Season 6 (8 races, 5 wins, 8 podiums).

Season 7 Plans

The current plan is to start Season 7 in early March 2023, so make sure you’re in the Discord server and stay tuned for details on how to sign up for Season 7 in the second half of February.

In the meantime, visit the #league-suggestions-season-7 server in the Discord to respectfully make known your opinions on what the league should look like next season and beyond.