Rules Changelog

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  • 9/12/24: Material updates
    • Changed base penalties from 5 seconds/10 seconds to 10 seconds/30 seconds, better reflecting the realities of field spread
    • AI Difficulty set to “70” (previously “50”)
  • 6/1/24: Updates to conform to the 2024 (Winter) season settings (i.e., custom teams) and new points structure
    • Car Category set to “F1 World Car” (previously “F1 23”)
    • Equal Car Performance set to “On” (previously “Off”)
    • Point Allocation updated to reflect points given for top 15 positions and removal of an additional point for Fastest Lap
  • 3/30/24: Changes to allow certain previously prohibited assists
    • Anti-Lock Brakes set to “On” (previously “Off”)
    • Dynamic Racing Line set to “Full” (previously “Off”)
  • 1/27/24: Equal Car Performance set to “Off” (previously “On”) to reflect use of Realistic cars in the 2024 (Winter) season
  • 9/15/23: Material updates
    • New format
    • Removed License Points concept (I already know who the repeat offenders are and the system has resulted in a grand total of one Qualifying/Race ban)
    • Added new info on passing and defending based on some well-circulated diagrams and the F1 eSports Participants’ Handbook
    • Consolidated on-track Prohibited Behaviors into one area
    • Tweaked penalty guidance
    • Moved changelog to its own page to avoid making the Rules page progressively longer throughout time
    • Banned Braking Assist
  • 8/25/23: Updates to remove Sprint format
    • Weekend Structure set to “Standard” (previously “Sprint & Race”)
    • Session Length set to “Long (50%)” (previously “Medium (35%)”)
  • 8/18/23: Updates to reflect Sprint format (which will be used in, at minimum, S8 | R7; further usage TBD)
    • Weekend Structure set to “Sprint & Race” (previously “Standard”)
    • Session Length set to “Medium (35%)” (previously “Long (50%)”)
    • Safety Car set to “Off” (previously “Reduced”)
    • Removed “Safety Car Experience” (previously included, set to “Immersive”)
    • Red Flags set to “Off” (previously “Reduced”)
  • 6/30/23: Minor Updates
    • Clarified Allowed Assists (previously only Prohibited Assists were listed, Allowed Assists is now added as a separate bullet
    • Red Flags set to Reduced (previously Off)
  • 6/13/23: Updated rulebook for F1 23 lobby settings
    • Added “Minimum Licence Level” and set to “Off” 
    • Added “Red Flags” and set to “Off”
    • Added “Affects Licence Level” and set to “On”
    • Other immaterial changes
  • 5/31/23: Various Updates
    • Removed FE (Elite) Assists listing. I will add it back if we run that division in the future.
    • Removed sub-bullet that Lap 1/Turn 1 incidents will be judged more harshly. Timing of an incident in the race will still be considered where appropriate, including Lap 1 (e.g. an incident might be judged more harshly if it should have been obvious to the offender that it’s Lap 1 and a gaggle of cars are going to be braking all over the track ahead)
    • Removed the line that penalties are at the discretion of the League Admin. This seems pretty obvious
    • Added Racing Line and ABS to list of prohibited assists, consistent with my plan to prohibit these assists in any/all divisions for Season 8/F1 23
  • 3/2/23: Updated 3.7 Retirement and Terminal Damage to state that the only situation in which a driver is allowed to Retire from Session on-track is if not doing so would unquestionably result in a game-given DSQ (i.e. driver is beached in a gravel trap and cannot move)
  • 2/28/23: Changed Safety Car Experience to “Immersive” (previously set to “Broadcast”)
  • 1/13/23: Added parenthetical to 3.8 Blue Flags that clarifies that when receiving blue flags and letting a lapping car pass, drivers should do so by safely yielding the race line
  • 10/9/22: Added line to Article 1 League Info indicating that no assists are allowed in FE Division, slightly condensed assists lines related to F1 Division (no changed in allowed assists in F1 from last season)
  • 9/29/22: Material Updates
    • Ghosting set to Off (previously On)
    • Safety Car set to Reduced (previously Off)
    • Safety Car Experience set to Broadcast
    • Platform set to All Crossplay-Eligible Platforms (previously PS4/PS5)
    • Added 3.8 Blue Flags, indicating drivers must obey blue flags and will receive a penalty for ignoring three consecutive blue flags
    • Removed 5.2 Race Start Requirements
  • 9/13/22: Added to Race Day Procedures (5.1) that racers are expected to react by 12:00 pm ET on the day of the race in question
  • 8/4/22: Material Updates
    • Reorganized rules and added Table of Contents with links
    • Adjusted License Points penalty thresholds and potential penalties (4.4)
    • Added rule that drivers may not Retire or intentionally crash on track (3.7)
    • Added Penalty Guidelines (4.5)
  • 8/3/22: Added License Points structure and info
  • 7/27/22: Changed “Formation Lap” to “Off”, previously set to “On”
  • 7/24/22: Added a bullet that intentionally or negligently destroying or displacing on-track markers/bollards/features is a penalty-worthy offense
  • 7/13/22: Changed “Safety Car” to “Off”, previously set to “Reduced”
  • 6/28/22: Updated rulebook for F1 22 lobby settings
    • Added “Weekend Structure” and set to “Standard” 
    • Changed “Session Length” to “Long (50%)”, previously set to “Medium (25%)”
    • Added “Pit Stop Experience” and set to “Immersive”
    • Changed “Safety Car” to “Reduced”, previously set to “Off”
    • Added “Safety Car Experience” and set to “Immersive”
    • Changed “Formation Lap” to “On”, previously set to “Off”
    • Added “Formation Lap Experience” and set to “Immersive”
    • Other immaterial changes
  • 3/18/22: Added Forecast Accuracy, Tyre Temperature, and Pit Lane Tyre Temperature settings to Rulebook as they were not previously listed
  • 2/16/22: Added bullet point on Connection explaining what is expected of Racers and penalties for Connection issues
  • 1/31/22: Added DRS Assist and Pit Assist to Prohibited Assists
  • 12/4/21: Set Safety Car to “Off” (previously set to “Reduced”)
  • 11/21/21: Set AI Difficulty to “50” (previously set to “0”)
  • 10/20/21: Added rule prohibiting the use of the Reset to Track feature and noted that using this feature in a race is grounds for disqualification from that race.
  • 10/15/21: Set Safety Car to “Reduced” (previously set to “Standard”)
  • 10/13/21: Set Unsafe Pit Release to “On” (it didn’t exist yesterday)
  • 10/7/21: Material Updates
    • Qualifying set to “Short (18 Minutes)” (previously set to “One-Shot”)
    • Changed point structure to 25/18/15/12/10/8/6/4/2/1 (previously 16/12/10/8/6/5/4/3/2/1)
    • Added rule that Reserve drivers can score points in the Drivers’ Championship but are not eligible for Constructors’ Championship points while listed as a league Reserve
    • Added Qualifying Conduct section with the change to Short qualifying
  • 9/30/21: Material Updates
    • Changed incident reporting and penalty appeal to a public forum in the #incident-reporting channel
    • Added line stating First Lap/First Turn/Starting incidents will be judged and penalized more harshly than other incidents
    • Low Fuel Mode set to “Hard” (previously set to “Easy”) 
  • 8/31/21: Material Updates
    • Rules and Flags set to “On” (reversal of move to “Corner Cutting Only” two days ago)
    • Clarified that served penalties will not be removed if served before or during a Safety Car or a Virtual Safety Car instance (previously included no Safety Car qualifier)
  • 8/29/21: Material Updates
    • Rules and Flags set to “Corner Cutting Only” (previously set to “On”)
    • Added rule stating that overtaking under Safety Car is prohibited, with penalties potentially including time penalties and/or disqualification
    • Expanded Incident Reporting to specifically include collisions (as Rules and Flags change means game will not penalize collisions moving forward) and clarify that video proof must be clear and must show the incident in question
    • Added language to Appealing In-Game Penalties reflecting that served penalties will no longer be eligible for post-race removal
  • 8/25/21: Changed AI level to 0 (from 85) to discourage pausing to let AI race
  • 7/20/21: Rulebook Layout Changes
    • Listed out all league and race settings, no rule changes unless noted below
    • Prohibited Steering Assist (previously allowed all assists)
    • Recovery Mode set to “None” (effectively removes Reset to Track)
    • Damage changed to “Standard” (previously set to “Reduced”)
  • 7/15/21: Material Updates
    • Added Classification/Points section to Procedures (driver must finish 90% by himself to be classified, i.e. not AI, 16/12/10/8/6/5/4/3/2/1 point structure
    • Added Race Start section to Procedures (need 10 drivers to react that they will attend race to create lobby, need 10 drivers in lobby to start race)
    • Added note about importance of responding to attendance queries in #race-attendance on race day and added sentence about potentially being removed from the league if you don’t react to those messages
    • Changed AI Ghost level to 85 (was 60)
    • Changed car type to “F1 2021” from “Multiplayer Cars”
    • Updated console to reflect PS4/PS5 (was PS4)
  • 6/24/21: Established Rulebook